Bowden Doors and Kyloe – Northumberland

Jake has been in the northeast for almost a year, and hadn’t managed to set boot to rock outside in the whole time. A combination of weather, partying, transport challenges and maybe even work had intervened. The last weekend before the end of term provided an opportunity to rectify the situation.


Saturday was bright but breezy, so the more sheltered option of Kyloe was the obvious choice. A bunch of HVS leads and solos, a fine lead by Jake of Original Sin, a goey E4 6a, and a bunch of bouldering was a fine mixed introduction to Northumberland Sandstone. It also demonstrated that Jake hadn’t been entirely idle on the climbing front whilst at uni – regular bouldering on the plastic has got him seriously strong – witness this f7a+ Albatross.


Sunday started wet and windy and then turned dry and VERY windy. 45mph and gusting!

This promped a visit to Bowden Doors, near the road and fast drying. We ended up sitting out a shower under the roofs…


…before a few token routes and a hasty retreat to the pub.


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